Hey love, I'm curious to know if this has ever happened to you.....

You’re scrolling on social media and you come across a post by a really successful coach.

They’re selling out their programs. They’re getting tons of comments. They’re making lots of money. 

Immediately, you start to question….

“Should I show up to talk about that topic too? 

“Maybe I need to be more bold or extroverted like them….”

“Should I change my program to be longer like hers?” 

All of a sudden, you find yourself in a place of doubt and questioning yourself.

I used to find myself in that place all the time too. 

I remember looking at successful entrepreneurs and believing I had to do things like them in order to be successful.

I remember learning that in order to sign clients, I’d need to get people on free calls, pitch to them, and then try to overcome all of their objections. 

There were so many things I learned in the beginning that honestly just felt “ICK” in my soul… but I assumed that if I wanted to be successful, I’d need to do them.

The truth is…. I had been giving my power away to other coaches and believing they had something I didn’t. 

I had been putting others up on a pedestal.. over my own intuition. 

Once I realized that following all of the cookie-cutter approaches weren't really working for me... I became determined to trust my own intuition and do things my way.

Now, here’s what I believe:

I get to create programs, create content, sell, and show up online in a way that feels good to ME 

I get to trust MY intuition (rather than looking at what everyone else is doing)

I don’t have to use other people’s business strategies if they don’t feel aligned to me

I get to be successful running my business and living my life MY WAY

I created the IN MY POWER BIZ BUNDLE to show you that you do too.

Copy of Copy of The Content

Have you ever wondered, “Why would someone want to hire ME? There are so many other incredible writers, coaches, and business owners out there.” If so, I created this audio for you. This is the audio where you’ll be reminded of the unique magic you offer so that you can release the self doubt that’s been holding you back.

I know what it’s like to hold back out of fear. What will they think? What if I mess up? What if someone gets offended?

The truth is– it’s ok to be scared. Growing an online business is vulnerable stuff! But I also don’t want to see you let this fear hold you back. In this training, I teach you everything that helped me in grow in confidence, put myself out there, start a podcast, do live videos, host my first in-person retreat, and let myself be SEEN… despite years of struggling with social anxiety. My intention is that this training empowers you to feel more confident and release the pressure of needing to show up in a certain way or always say the “right” thing. 

The most magnetic leaders are the ones who are living, breathing, and embodying their own work. In this pre-recorded experiential workshop, you’ll be led through a meditation, breathwork, and movement practice to connect with the powerful leader inside of you. Integrating your beliefs on a nervous system level is truly going to change the game for you!

Investing in yourself (whether it’s investing in a coach, a workout program, or something as simple as a new pair of earrings) can be a powerful tool for quantum growth. In this short audio, I share the money-mindset tips that have helped me to feel empowered around investing in myself!

Selling doesn’t need to feel scammy, sleazy, or icky. After listening to this training, you’ll be able to see how selling can actually feel empowering, exciting, and in alignment with your values. My intention for you is that you’ll walk away from this audio feeling excited and empowered around selling! 

Let’s release the idea that creating content and offers need to be hard or complicated. When you learn to write more from the HEART and less from the HEAD…. content and ideas truly start to flow and it all starts to feel easier. Here’s how. 

It’s time to release the fear-based “what if” thoughts before they turn into a negative spiral! In this training, I’m sharing the reminders you need to quickly shift into an abundant mindset so that the next time something doesn’t go the way you expect, you’ll have the tools to move forward with optimism and positivity.

The more that I’ve leaned into just being me– without worrying about trying to always get things perfect, the more freedom I’ve found in my life and business. The truth is- you are already the perfect coach, healer, and leader for your people. And there’s nothing more you need to be, do, or prove in order to be good enough. This is the training where you truly start to believe that and finally release the old patterns of perfectionism that are currently running the show.

  1. Stepping into an Abundant Mindset Meditation
  2. Believing in Yourself and Knowing You’re Worthy Meditation
  3. Self love & Allowing Yourself to Feel Good Meditation


TOTAL hours of video & audio content= About 4 hours

+ tons of inspirational journal prompts
+ powerful affirmations
+ A private course portal with all of your content organized in one place

JUST $444

My vision for you is that through this bundle, you wake up in the morning feeling SO sure of yourself and certain of where you’re headed. 

You know that what you have to offer is so valuable. 

You aren’t questioning yourself or doubting your next move. 

You feel confident. You feel sure of yourself. You feel like the powerful CEO you truly are. 


What level should I be in business? And is this just for coaches?

This bundle was created with newer coaches in mind. However, the concepts and mindset shifts will benefit all kinds of online entrepreneurs. If you know it’s time to build your business from a place of trusting YOUR intuition, then this is for you. 

Do you offer refunds or guarantees?

I do not.

How long do I have the content for?

Forever! This bundle is self-paced so you get to go through each video and module at your own pace and in your own time. 

Meet Your Mindset Coach:

Ashley Rachel is a mindset coach, intuitive healer, and self love mentor. Ashley helps spiritual entrepreneurs grow their heart-centered business to full-time using a combination of mindset work, soul-led strategy, spirituality, and the power of the divine feminine.

Ashley has her masters degree in counseling & psychology from Lesley University and is certified in both breathwork and meditation. For any questions, you can reach out to Ashley directly on Instagram @ashleyrachelcoaching.