Hi, love. Welcome!

I’m so happy you’ve landed here.

I created Sacred Group Coaching Programs, my 5-week course, after running several group programs (both as a therapist and then again as an online coach) and each time… 

… Feeling my heart burst open witnessing the power they hold.

There’s nothing quite like facilitating an intimate space where people from around the world can come together around a common desire, to be held, to be seen, and to be supported.

I’ve run online group coaching programs on self love, finding your soul’s purpose, and growing a business.

And when I reflect on those experiences and the women who have joined me inside, I feel such deep fulfillment. 

I’ve witnessed women heal the sister wound and learn to feel safe in community with other women. 
I’ve witnessed women step into their power and their worth and boldly own their voice. 

I’ve witnessed women come into a deeper, more loving relationship to themselves. 

I’ve witnessed women overcome fears, put themselves out there in new ways, and create full-time businesses.

Like I said, group coaching programs hold so much power. 

And if you’re here, you likely realize that.

And you're ready to trust the intuitive nudge that running your own group coaching program is your next step!

You know that you have so much to offer people.

You’ve been through your own mindset, self love, and empowerment journey. 

And when you look back on the woman you used to be, you feel soooo proud of how far you’ve come. 

You’re a woman with standards. You’re a woman who knows her worth. You’re a woman who believes in herself. 

And you know that you were led to the world of online business for a reason.

You can just FEEL that a group coaching program is exactly what your soulmate clients need and it's also what you want to offer.

But so far, the actual process to make it happen has felt.. maybe a bit overwhelming. 

You feel like you don’t know where to start.

You have a million ideas and notes, but have yet to take action. 

Do you do a 2 week launch? A 4 week launch? How many people do you want? How do you attract those people? How do you structure the calls? What do you include? How do you price it?

There’s so many directions you could go…. and truthfully, it feels like a lot to figure out on your own. 

You’re ready to have a plan, but not one that feels overly masculine or “salesy”


And you know that learning from a mentor whose done it to show you how simple and fun it can be is exactly what you need to make it happen!

I remember knowing I was ready to get my first group coaching program out into the world.

Truthfully, I had known for a while that I wanted to make group programs a part of my business. 

I remember spending tons of time journaling about it, getting clear on who it was for, and mapping out the details. Part of me felt SO excited to think about bringing this program to life and actually holding space for a group of women to transform!

But every time I went to take action, I remember feeling so overwhelmed.

“What’s the best way to sell it? What if I put this out there and hear crickets? What if this all ends up feeling super overwhelming and I get burnt out?”

For months, I held back from launching my first group program because of these doubts. 

I finally got tired of where I was at. I had been making some money from my few couple of 1:1 clients and selling self-care e-guides. But I knew I was capable of SO much more. I knew my work was powerful. I knew that continually pushing off the intuitive nudge wasn’t going to make it go away. 

So I hired a 1:1 coach for support, I took messy action, and I WENT. FOR. IT. And a few weeks later, 9 incredible women had said “yes” to my first group coaching program and I was celebrating my first $5k month. 

My mind was truly blown at how simple and fun it had been.

I thought it would take me months to put the content together for my program… in reality, it only took me a few days of focused energy.

I thought I would have to build my audience for months before I had enough people to sell to… in reality, I already had the perfect-fit people in my community.

I thought I might feel overwhelmed holding space for so many women… in reality, it was one of the MOST empowering, liberating, and fun experiences ever!

AND it’s what led me to being able to go full-time in my coaching business. 

Fast-forward nearly 2 years later, and this is my reality:

→  I’ve worked with dozens of incredible, powerful, magical women from many different countries. They have changed my life just as much as I’ve changed theirs.

→ I’ve  made over $28,000 from group programs alone since my first one

→ I’ve had incredible women from my groups go on to become long-term private 1:1 clients of mine

→  Every month, I have payments already guaranteed to come in through payment plans from group programs

→  I have so much freedom and spaciousness in my schedule! I get to sleep in daily, I’m able to book spontaneous flights to visit family, and I’m able to prioritize my own self care!

→  I feel so proud knowing that I’ve trusted my intuition and said “YES” to the creations on my heart that have wanted to come out 


This is all possible for you too. Let's do this, beauty.

Here's what we cover over 5 weeks together:

Module One


→ Identify exactly WHO your group program is perfect for and what the specific transformation is that you’ll be leading them through

→ Map out exactly what’s included in your program that makes it an irresistible, “YES!” for your people and that also feels manageable and exciting for you 

→ Know how to choose an aligned price and decide on any payment plans or bonuses that you want to include.

(If you already have the details of your program decided, this will simply be an opportunity to refine and receive deeper clarity!)

Module Two


→ How to create content leading up to your launch that positions you as the obvious, no-brainer person for your people to learn from

→ Simple language-tweaks to attract the kind of clients who are empowered, who do the work, who are eager to learn from you, and who are READY for the transformation

→ Ways to grow your community full of perfect-fit people (even if you currently don’t have a large audience)

→ My step-by-step process for how I create a free workshop or low-cost offer that prioritizes connection and relationship-building with my community before I launch a new offer

Module Three


→ How to sell in a way that doesn’t feel controlling, manipulative, pushy, or sleazy

→ How I sell in the DM’s and why I don’t do sales calls (and how you don’t have to either if you don’t want to!)

→ PDF: My favorite content prompts to create sales content

→ How to hold your vision and keep going, even if you get “no’s” and it looks like it’s not working

→ How to stay in an energetic state of receiving 

Module Four


→ Have a clear idea of the kind of boundaries and guidelines to set at the beginning of your program that will honor them and you

→ The 3-part outline I follow when deciding what to include in each call

→ We’ll explore the foundations of a safe space (these are some of my biggest takeaways from the 2 group therapy classes I took in college as I worked towards my masters degree in mental health counseling!): Non-judgemental listening, openness, honesty, authenticity, and more.

→ How to navigate various situations like if a client isn’t respecting group guidelines, if someone asks a question that you don’t have an answer to, or if you feel anxiety arise while leading a call

Module Five


→ How to hold the energetic goal during your launch without changing your goal or dropping it entirely

→ What to do when it looks like it’s not working and you might not hit your goal

→ My favorite confidence hacks during a launch 

→ Sales pages: Everything you need to know about how to write one and what to include 

What's included in this course:

5 video trainings in a private course portal: Each training is about an hour and was originally recorded live. 

→ Workbooks with journal prompts: Along with each video, you’ll receive a PDF workbook that includes notes from the training, journal prompts, and other action steps so you can implement everything you learn.

Lifetime access: This means that you’ll always have access to the trainings and content in the program, including if I run the program live again in the future!!


How I structure my launches

In this bonus audio and PDF, I’m breaking down examples of a 1 week launch, 2 week launch, and 3 week launch! This will be really helpful in understanding how it can look, and then you can adapt it however you’d like. 

When you know how to hold a safe and supportive space, your clients will celebrate results like these:

If you’re reading this, I know that you have a group coaching program on your heart.

Maybe you already have a name, a vision, and the details mapped out. 


 Maybe it just feels like a little spark, an inkling, or a knowing that the idea for your program is just starting to form.

Either way, this program is going to support you in in every step of the process.

I feel called to remind you of this: 

You’re good enough. 
You’re ready. 
And your people are waiting for you.

I believe that our desires are not random. They are placed on our heart for a reason. When you feel the desire to create something, and it’s a desire that continues to subtly arise in your awareness over and over, that’s because it’s a part of your soul’s path and purpose.

If you desire to create it, that means there are people out there who desire for it to exist too. 

Just imagine: Right now, in this very moment, there is somebody out there thinking to themselves, “I wish I had a mentor who could support me in ___(the transformation you offer), and help me to ___(results you help your people to embody), and who is the kind of person who___(describes someone like you).” 

Just recently, I had a client come to me and say, “I prayed I would find a mentor who could support me in growing my business and the next day, I opened an email from you! It was meant to be!”

I promise, your people are looking for you just as much as you are looking for them.

Are you in?

The Investment:

You can join now for just one payment of $697.


What level should I be in business for this? This is for the coaches who are ALREADY showing up online and growing their audience and who know that their next step is running a group program. This isn’t for you if you are just thinking about starting a business. 

How much direct support will I get from you in this program? This is a self-paced course that does not include any live support. If you’d like 1:1 support, you can reach out directly to explore my 1:1 program.

 Do you offer refunds or guarantees? I do not.