Soul Purpose Group Coaching Program

Are you ready to live in alignment with your soul's purpose?

Is this you?

→ You’re a creative soul at heart and you have a deep desire to help others.

→ Lately, you’ve been feeling called to step up more and lead, to speak your truth, and to show up more confidently in your life and work. 

You’ve been realizing your potential, learning what you’re capable of, and starting to believe that it’s possible to create a life you truly love. 

→ You’ve spent much of your life following the “should’s” and expectations of society. But now you’re at a point where you want to gain clarity on what YOU want in your life. You want to pave your own way without worrying about what others may think.

→ You want to wake up every morning feeling excited about your life and your work. You want to feel connected to your soul’s purpose and like you’re actually making an impact. You want to be doing work in the world that lights you up and nourishes your soul!

→ You know that true leadership starts with SELF-leadership. You’re ready to rise into a leader who leads by example, who prioritizes the inner-work, and who puts herself first. 

But maybe some things are holding you back....

 TIME/ENEGY: You know that you don’t have the time or energy to be hustling, working all of the time, or sacrificing what’s important to you in order to be successful. You’re ready to lean into your feminine energy, practice more self care, become more intentional with your time, and live more in the present moment. 

 LACK OF CLARITY: You have some ideas and feelings, but you’re not exactly sure which direction you’re headed in your life or business. For you, maybe your next step feels like it might be starting a new hobby, working towards a new position at work, or starting a side business. You’re not sure exactly what’s next, but you feel really ready to gain clarity on what’s next for you. 

 FEARS/DOUBTS: You sometimes struggle with fears of judgement which causes you to procrastinate, play small, or stay quiet. You’re an ambitious over-achiever and because of that, you often worry about making mistakes, failing, or being seen by others as inadequate. You’re ready to feel confident in your own skin and own the truth, “I am good enough as I am!”

INTRODUCING: SOUL PURPOSE: A 5-week Group Coaching Program for Women on the Edge of Change

Hi! I’m so happy that you’re here. 

Here’s what I believe about your soul’s purpose: 

Your soul’s purpose is the thing that lights you up, that makes you feel alive, and that when you fully embody it—  sends a positive ripple effect around the world. 

Discovering your soul’s purpose is a journey. And it’s a journey that doesn’t always make sense of feel clear in the moment. At least that’s how it’s felt to me.

Growing up, writing was my favorite form of creative expression. At this time in my life,  I believed my purpose was to someday become an author. And then I discovered music. I learned the guitar and I started performing on stages. Nothing made me feel more alive. At this time in my life, I believed my purpose was to become a singer. 

Then, I discovered the world of music therapy. And so I enrolled in college to become a music therapist, which is where I discovered my love for so many different healing practices (mindfulness, spirituality, movement, the mind-body connection, etc.) At this time, I believed my soul’s purpose was to become a therapist. 

And then, guided by my intuition, I discovered online business. Despite so many fears and insecurities, I started a blog and eventually discovered life coaching. Fast forward to today— I run a coaching business supporting women from around the world and I get to do what I LOVE every single day.


Even though it didn't always make sense in the moment, looking back, I can see how so clearly how each moment of trusting myself and my desires... led me to discovering my soul's purpose.

Your desires are here for a reason.

It's time to trust your intuition. It's time to feel more deeply fulfilled. It's time to get clear on your soul's purpose.

The 4-MODULE Breakdown


 During this module, you’ll be pondering questions like, “What truly lights me up?” and “If I had no fear and wasn’t afraid of making mistakes, what might I try next?” This module is all about getting to know yourself more deeply, deciding what it is you truly want, and getting your energy in alignment with the future you are creating! A clarity visualization meditation is included to support you in this process.


 During this module, you’ll be working on deepening your sense of self worth, releasing comparison, and owning your story. I’ve found time and time again, that the deeper you can understand yourself, the easier it will be to understand how you can help others. A believing in yourself meditation is included in this module and is perfect for giving you a boost of confidence!


An empowered woman knows how sacred and important her energy is, especially as she’s stepping into more leadership. During this module, you’ll be working on prioritizing more fun, pleasure, and self care in your work and life. We’ll talk about balancing your masculine and feminine energies, making more space for silence, and the best rituals for the goddess in you. The meditation included this week is all about simply feeling good for no other reason than because you deserve to!


During this module, we’ll talk about different types of fear and how to move through each one with ease. We’ll also explore your subconscious patterns around fear and make a plan-of-action, so that you can create long-term change, without getting in your own way. A powerful releasing fears of what others think meditation is included this week.

This is the group coaching program where you will......

 Check mark, Segoe UI Symbol font, character code 2714 hex. Remember and decide that you’re good enough as you are…. so that you can take the pressure off of yourself to “know everything” or “be perfect”. 

Check mark, Segoe UI Symbol font, character code 2714 hex.Begin to move through fears of being SEEN…. so that you can show up in your career or business with confidence and without worrying about what others think.

Check mark, Segoe UI Symbol font, character code 2714 hex. Gain clarity on where you’re headed…. by connecting with your intuition and learning to trust your inner-wisdom to guide you

Check mark, Segoe UI Symbol font, character code 2714 hex. Learn to prioritize self care rituals….. because you deserve to put yourself first. (Not only do you deserve it, but it’s essential if you want to be an effective leader!)

Check mark, Segoe UI Symbol font, character code 2714 hex. Understand how to tap into your feminine energy….. so that you can feel grounded, relaxed, and present in your life and work. (No more stress or burnout!)

Check mark, Segoe UI Symbol font, character code 2714 hex. Build a healthy foundation of self love & inner-validation….. so that a negative comment from someone or a lower-than-normal income month doesn’t cause you to question your worth.


Is this program only for business owners? Nope! Although many new coaches and aspiring coaches have gone through this program, I’ve also had teachers, writers, therapists, and artists go through this program and love it! If you are ready to gain clarity on your soul’s purpose and you feel your intuition calling you towards more (even if you’re not sure what that means yet), this program is for you. 


I’ve already had a lot of experience with personal development work. Is this for me? Yes! To me, it doesn’t really matter if you’re brand new to personal development or not! Likely, on a logical level, you already know the power of things like practicing self care, journaling, and looking at your fears. This is the program that will take you from knowing these things logically, to actually embodying them and practicing them daily. 


I’m concerned about feeling rushed in my process. Is this program really intensive? What I love about this program is that you actually get to do a lot of this work at your own pace. Each week, you’ll get a workbook with journal prompts. My intention is that you never feel rushed but that you feel supported, safe, and comfortable throughout the entire process. You control the speed in which clarity and breakthroughs comes through for you!


Do you offer refunds or guarantees? No, I believe in this work deeply and trust that if you are here, you know the power of self-responsibility! I’ve seen time and time again, that when you show up to commit to the work, you see amazing results. 


Are you in?! Here's what's included:

Weekly Workbooks + meditations

For each of the 4 modules, you will receive reflective journal prompts and a meditation. These will support you in gaining powerful insights.

4 group calls

Each module includes a group call where we will discuss that week's topic. You'll be able to learn from others on the call, get my personalized feedback, and walk away from each call feeling empowered and inspired.